Brats Blog

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bits and Pieces

Kind of like a meme, but one on the fly and without any rhyme of reason.

Random thing about me #1 - Whenever I eat pancakes I feel like I'm choking (no matter how slowly I eat) but they are my favorite breakfast food so I eat em anyway.

Random thing about me #2 - I write in the margins of my favorite books. I highlight the passages that stick out. I seek out books in the 25 cent bin of the library that have highlighting and notes so I can see what other people noticed. I shouldn't be allowed to borrow other people's books because I really want to write in theirs too, so instead I am forced to leave notecards inside of them.

Random thing about me #3 - my nose has very little cartilage in it. I can smoosh it and fold it in half, but seldom do it because it looks pretty gross.

Random thing about me #4 - if I love a song, I will listen to it on repeat for hours until I have the words memorized and I can pick out all the instruments.

Random thing about me #5 - I have been known to cry over a good song.

Random thing about me #6 - I have been known to cry over a bad song. (Please don't ever play "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News ... that one really gets me.

Random thing about me #7 - I love the smell of vanilla and oranges (I've been known to wear vanilla extract behind my ears but stopped because it was a little strange even for me). Closely following is the scent given off on a really hot day after it rains on the sidewalks. Hot concrete makes a wonderful smell when hit with a raindrop or two.

Random thing about me #8 - I love my family and friends fiercly and once I love you I'll do anything for you. I am however a number 4 on the enneagram (a romantic) and once you have done something to lose my trust you do not get it back. Perhaps not the best way to operate, but I didn't say I was perfect.

Random thing about me #9 - I used to love the book "matilda" by Dahl. I would sit and try to move things for hours at a time with my mind. I never got it to work, but I got some fantastic headaches and know fully what the smell of burning brain is like.

Random thing about me #10 - I am overjoyed to be becoming an Aunt. I think I'll make an excellent crazy Aunt Claire. I am also extremely happy to be someone's sister in law. I could not be happier to have Marty be a part of our family because he is the meow of the cat. =)

Random thing about me #11 - I used to be terribly hurt each time someone called me "weird". I then grew up and realized that I enjoy being weird, but have set my goals at one day being called eccentric, cuz that's just weird with money. =P

Random thing about me #12 - My favorite number is 3

Random thing about me #13 - I love cheese. I spend way too much time at the grocery store looking at the fancy cheeses and talking myself out of buying them. As I told some of you, I could spend the rest of my life eating crusty bread with cheeses, toasted with tomatoes with a tiny bit of salt on them. A glass of wine and HUZZAH!

Random thing about me #14 - I like very simplistic music - the fewer instruments the better.

Random thing about me #15 - I have a recurring nightmare where I get chased around a library by a clay-mation (the ragman from the Nutcracker fantasy... he turnes children who aren't in bed asleep when they are supposed to be into mice and puts them in his bag and runs off with them). I had ansomnia at a young age so the idea that not going to sleep would cause me to be taken from my family was scary!!!

Random thing about me #16 - I want to do so many different things that I have no idea which one to pick. I want to do voice-overs for cartoons, I want to be a pastry chef, I want to be an olympic gold medalist in diving (but I'm past my prime) and I want to have millions attend my concerts. However not that many people can fit into my car nor could they fit into the shower. (And I really don't want a million people in my shower either)

Random thing about me #17 - I enjoy junk. This includes junk food, junk books and junk music.

Random thing about me #18 - When I was little I wanted to be Jo March from Little Women. There was something oddly satisfying about donating my hair a few years back. I imagined everyone was gasping with shock after I took off my bonnet even though I had no bonnet... and it wasn't for trainfare for my mother so she could see my father who had been injured during the civil war... I also can't help but eat apples and cheese when I read Little Women. I also like to wear a hat when I write because I feel a little bit more Jo March-ish.

Random thing about me #19 - I try very hard to listen to what people say they like so I can give them things they really want for Christmas or Birthdays or whenever. I actually keep a running list in a book.

Random thoughts on my friends

Courtney - I love that face you make when someone teases you... the little nose scrunch. It always makes me giggle.
Marty - You are one of those fantastic people that automatically felt comfortable to be around even in silence.
Jenny - I love your cackle and your toes.
Justin - All the things about you sum up a person who all in all is one of the best people I have ever met. You have a wonderful laugh. =)
Mike - you have the BEST VOICE ever! I confess I want to hear you sing "MMmmm MMmmm MMmmm Mmmmm" or something else really low. Even when you talk there is such a songlike quality to your speech that makes me want to ask you questions just to hear you talk.
Caryn - When I think of you I automatically associate the color blue with you. Light blue (cornflower). I don't know why this is. I have been so happy to have gotten to know you this year!!! =)
Josh R - Oh mylanta! I'm always so happy to see you. (hence the cheering and clapping each Tuesday when you appear) You have one of the most fantastic smiles!
Dr. J. - I am ridiculously proud of you. I love how freakin feisty you are. I find myself waiting for you to talk because I know it's gonna be good.
Kaitlin - I think that you are honestly one of the most drop dead gorgeous people I've ever met. I'm not sexually harassing you I swear! :P I love playing office with you and have really enjoyed seeing you almost every day. =D
Josh P. - I love having a seafood buddy. =) You are also one of those people that cause me to have diarrhea of the mouth (lovely visual... sorry) that causes me to later think "what the hell caused me to talk so much" later. I also love that you wink at people.
Steve - I'm always on my toes when I'm around you! You tend to surprise me with the things that you say, but in a good way. =)
Elsa - Your unending love of your pets is endearing. Anyone who loves their pets enough to cook or bake for them is good people in my book. =D
Sarah - you take some damn fine photos! I love how much your causes mean to you and how that makes them causes to other people. =) I miss you! I think you are also a wonderful mother and you made a beautiful kid. (I LOVE THAT SHE LOVES TO EAT LEMONS!!!!!!!)

Wow... did I just say all that??????


  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger Semi-Crunchy Momma said…

    WOW! That was a great posts! Such thoughts! Love you too dear!

  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger Norma Shineynickels said…

    There are those "kitten heels" again. I love you. All of those things about you AND the fact that you're MADE of kittens. MWAH.

  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Mister Vandemar said…

    I'm just astounded that I rated a mention. As a latecomer to this fine group of people, I'm honored to be included in your list. Even if it is as a winking laxative...

  • At 7:01 AM, Blogger sweetviolet said…

    i feel warm and squishy now. so does lemon girl.

    #1- you need more butter!

    #4- oh. you're that girl.

    #5 and #6- just so long as they're not on repeat. that's just masochism.

    #7- i knew i liked you. it must be because you smell like baked goods.

    #8- i won't cross you, i swear.

    #13- we have a baked brie at quigley's date!

    #19- violet would like to make mention of a pony...

  • At 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awww! Thank you Claire :) Do you want a raise? a day off? You name it, it's yours!

    I loved your list of randoms and I'm sure you will be considered extremely eccentric one day ;) The office has been a lot more fun since you started here - you are the best!

  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger Norma Shineynickels said…

    Martney, methinks you ought to get a blog so as to be posting many photos of the soon-to-be-born baby. Yep, that's what I thinks.

  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger Bratsky said…

    you doodie head you don't have a blog, cuz I sure as heck don't see it. Stop lying to the people... people liar!!! YAR!!!! You tell Marty I'm sneaking in and building a fort while you are off at the hospital "birthin them babies"


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